To be the coach of choice for business owners, CEOs, and executives looking to transform themselves and their business to achieve abundance in their personal and business life.
Fadi is an expert committed to helping the business community achieve abundance. With several decades of business experience in diverse industries and a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) coupled with his extensive coaching experience, he is perfectly suited to help the business community achieve sustainable success.
As a Certified Business and Executive Coach based in Michigan, he teaches business owners, CEOs, and executives how to bring out the best that they have in them and their business through education, mentoring, mindset, and accountability using a positivist approach. Coaching accelerates the client’s progress by providing greater focus, awareness, and increased options.
The benefits of coaching will vary from business to business due to the nature of the engagement, the coach-ability of the client, and the availability of the needed resources. An article in the Autumn 2005 edition of the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, reported the results of a study titled “The Coaching Scorecard: a holistic approach to evaluating the benefits of business coaching.” He categorized the benefits as follows:
A study that was published in the Journal of Industrial and Commercial Training (2006) reported the return on investment (ROI) of coaching is 700%. This outcome came from improvements in: