Professional Services

Our Mission

To be a coach renowned for being a credible expert, thought leader, strategist, change agent, motivator, and trusted advisor to the business community.


Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship between the business coach and owner or executive team that produces extraordinary results in the lives, careers, businesses, or organizations of clients. The role of a Business Coach is to mentor business owners through guidance, support, accountability and encouragement.

Coaching is defined as an efficient, high-impact process that helps already high-performing leaders and businesses improve results in ways that are sustained over time. Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that produces extraordinary results in the lives, careers, businesses, or organizations of clients.

Business Coaching Framework

While, at the skeletal level, all business is the same, every business is different with its own opportunities, resources (human and physical), and goals. During the on-boarding process, the coaching approach is determined based on the variables that are unique to the business. However, in general, the coaching model used is described below:

  • Foundation: A strong business can only be built on a solid foundation. A solid business foundation is in which a business is clear about its short- and long-term goals, manages the right set of key performance indicators, and has clearly defined roles for its key people.
  • Advantage: Each business should differentiate itself base on its unique offering or capabilities, as a means to make competition less relevant and make its value proposition more attractive to the marketplace.
  • Operations: Building efficiencies by designing and optimizing business processes is a competitive advantage is tested, measured, and optimized properly.
  • People: Every business is only as good as its people. Starting with organizational structure the senior leadership team should constantly assess employee capabilities, culture, leadership structure and development, job descriptions, training, compensation and incentives, recruiting and assessment, in order to reach its potential.
  • Synergy: At this stage, all the above has been implemented and systems are put in place to synergistically continue to improve performance towards the organization’s goals.

In addition to the above, any unique opportunities specific to a certain client can be addressed during the on-boarding process.

Our Business Coaching Process

The first step in the coaching process is to schedule an on-boarding and strategy meeting. During that time, a business diagnostic is performed and the coach and client agree on the strategy moving forward. Then a weekly coaching meeting is scheduled; a client meeting is held on the same day and time each week.

Executive Coaching Process

Executives and CEOs are higher performing and achieving individuals that have strong core skills that earn them their positions. Many also develop blind spots and certain patterns that hold them back from reaching their potential. Executive coaching helps identify those blind spots and patterns and help those executives improve their performance by giving themselves the ability to develop higher performing habits. While each engagement is different, the following process illustrates the general approach:

  • Goal Setting: Set objectives for each engagement.
  • Due Diligence: Collect information and set the coaching process.
  • Assessments: Conduct the necessary assessments on the coachee.
  • Engagement: Schedule a weekly, one hour, coaching session for the duration of the engagement (usually one year).
  • Conclusion: At the end of the engagement, confirm that goals were achieved to the extent that it is possible.
  • Maintenance: After the conclusion of the coaching engagement, we may continue coaching in order to maintain the progress that was made.


Business consulting is a service that is designed to provide the business with a strategic plan towards a desired goal. A consulting engagement is typically limited in scope and focused on strategy, planning and problem solving, or business skill and knowledge development. On certain occasions, implementation support is provided by the consultant. Consulting topics range from sales and marketing, organizational development, employee and customer engagement, leadership development, and results. Consulting topics are consistent with the coaching categories.

Training Program

Our training programs are instructor-led face-to-face designed to deliver business knowledge and skills to organizational groups. Training can be delivered at the client’s business, virtually, or an off-site convenient location. Training programs are typically tailored to the needs of the organization.

“When I met Fadi my startup was growing fast, and it was quickly outgrowing me as a leader. Without significant change, it was inevitable that the business that I had co-founded was going to surpass my ability to lead as the CEO. I have been working with Fadi for over the last three years, and I have developed as a leader that has helped to grow my business from 50 people to over 200 people and increased revenue ten times. There is usually a big difference between a business coach and a business consultant. A business coach develops leaders, and a consultant develops a business. Given Fadi’s background as a business leader himself, he is not only great at developing leaders but also able to provide sound business advice in all aspects of running a business. I look forward to every weekly session with Fadi as it helps me to focus on what I need to do as a leader to make tough decisions, coach my team to be better leaders themselves, and gives me the confidence that I need to get through the week. Fadi gets to know you at a personal level where he knows when to pat you on the pack or a give you a subtle kick in the rear. A business coach is not for everyone, but I would highly recommend Fadi to anyone that is looking to grow their leadership and expand their impact across their organization. I can’t thank Fadi enough for what he has done for me personally, my family and my business.”
David Ternan, CEO  |  OrthoFI